Crafting Oldschool Runescape Ironmen Guide

 Crafting is a vital skill in Oldschool Runescape, allowing players to create various useful items within the game. Whether you're an Ironman or part of a group Ironman adventure, crafting plays a significant role in your journey. This guide will help you understand the essential aspects of crafting, starting from early level progression and focusing on efficient methods to level up your crafting skill.

Early Level Progression

When starting your crafting journey, it's often a good idea to complete specific quests to boost your initial levels. Quests with low skill requirements can provide a significant amount of crafting experience. In addition, you need to accumulate RS Gold as your financial support in the game. Here's a list of quests you should consider:

  1. Sheep Shearer
  2. Goblin Diplomacy
  3. Misthalin Mystery
  4. Dwarf Cannon
  5. Recipe for Disaster – Freeing the Goblin Generals
  6. Murder Mystery
  7. Observatory Quest
  8. Elemental Workshop I
  9. Elemental Workshop II
  10. Recipe for Disaster – Freeing the Goblin Generals

By completing these quests, you can earn a total of 12,500 crafting XP, bringing your crafting level up to 29.


If you opt to level your crafting skill from the beginning, you have several options. You can start with glassblowing, focus on combat stats while crafting by obtaining materials from creatures like cows, or choose to shear cows and spin their wool into balls of wool. However, the most efficient method, especially for Ironmen, is glassblowing.


Glassblowing is a crafting method that involves using molten glass to create various glass objects. The process is relatively AFK and straightforward, although gathering the necessary materials can be a bit challenging.

To make molten glass, you need to combine soda ash with a bucket of sand at a furnace, with the Edgeville furnace being the most efficient location. Alternatively, you can use the Lunar spellbook's "Superglass Make" spell. When using this spell, you can substitute soda ash with seaweed, giant seaweed, or swamp weed, and you'll receive a 30% bonus to the yield.

Gathering soda ash requires farming giant seaweed, which can be planted in the underwater area of Fossil Island. To obtain large quantities of seaweed spores, you'll need to defeat Lobstrosities in the same area. This requires a slayer level of 47 and specific equipment. Once you've harvested the seaweed, you can use it to make molten glass using the methods mentioned earlier.

To collect buckets of sand, mine sandstone in the Quarry and grind it using a grinder called Sandstorm. Each mining attempt yields a random amount of sandstone. To convert it into buckets of sand, provide empty buckets to an NPC named Drew, near the grinder, for a fee.

Alternative Methods

If you prefer to save time and have some OSRS gold, you can purchase buckets of sand and soda ash from charter ship merchants. Look for merchants located near banks or deposit boxes, such as in Port Khazard or Catherby.

Additionally, you can collect raw materials, like hides, gems, and staffs, during your gameplay, and craft them into usable or alchable items. This allows you to combine your monster hunting adventures with crafting, making the most of your resources. If you are tired of collecting, then you can Buy RS Gold from, which is the most recommended supplier. RPGStash is committed to Old School RuneScape services, with rich supply experience, 100% safe, fast delivery, 24/7 online service, and trustworthy.


Crafting in Oldschool Runescape is a valuable skill for Ironmen, though it may require a bit of resource gathering. By following the efficient methods outlined in this guide, you can level up your crafting skill effectively and enhance your overall gaming experience. Good luck on your Ironman adventure, and may your crafting endeavors be a success


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