Trading in Path of Exile: Buying, Selling, and Common Scams

 In the world of Path of Exile, trading plays a pivotal role in acquiring the items you need for your character's journey. However, the game lacks an auction house, making it crucial to understand how to navigate the trade ecosystem. In this guide, we'll explore how to buy, sell, and avoid common scams in Path of Exile.

How to Buy Items from Other Players

Unlike some games, Path of Exile doesn't have an in-game auction house. While there is a trade chat channel, it can be chaotic and challenging to use effectively. Most trading happens on the official trade website, where you'll find various search filters to narrow down your item search.

For instance, imagine you're two days into the Sentinels league, and you need new boots with movement speed, fire resistance, and life for your Earthquake Trap character. You can select these options in the filters and find every matching POE Orbs currently listed for sale by other players.

How to Sell Items to Other Players

Selling items in Path of Exile is straightforward if you have premium stash tabs. Start by right-clicking the name label of the premium tab, then select "Public" and "Priced individually." Next, place your item into the tab, right-click it, and set the price.

Unfortunately, without premium tabs, selling items can be somewhat cumbersome. You'll need to create a thread on the trade forum, get a link to your item from your character page on the website, and use the "~price x chaos" tag to link them to your thread. It can be a bit frustrating and convoluted. If you purchase premium stash tabs from the in-game store, selling items becomes much more manageable.

Which Currency to Use for Trades in Path of Exile

Path of Exile boasts numerous currency items, each with its value tied to its in-game crafting purposes. However, for trading, you'll primarily deal with two currencies: Chaos Orbs and Divine Orbs. Chaos Orbs are the standard currency for most transactions, especially early in a league. In nearly 99% of cases, you should list most mid-to-low-value items in Chaos Orbs.

Due to adjustments in the 3.19 patch, Divine Orbs have become the preferred currency for high-value trades. Previously, items worth over 150 Chaos Orbs were typically priced in Exalted Orbs. Much of the value of Divine Orbs comes from the meta-mod crafting, which used to require Exalted Orbs and now requires Divine Orbs. Dust has yet to settle completely, but if Divine Orbs don't replace Exalted Orbs as the new standard, it will be surprising. You can check the bulk trade tab to see the relative values of each currency.


Trading Rules in Path of Exile

Here's a quick rundown of trading rules in Path of Exile: Buyers travel, sellers initiate the trade. If you send a message to another player to buy their item, and they're willing to sell it, they'll send you a party invitation. Accept the invitation, right-click their character portrait, and select "Visit Hideout" to quickly access their hideout. Then, wait for the seller to initiate the trade with you. This sequence of actions helps prevent confusion caused by a barrage of invites and trade requests.

Common Trading Scams to Avoid

While trading in Path of Exile, you might encounter a few unscrupulous players. However, with awareness, you can steer clear of trade scams and enjoy the game without worry. It's worth noting that such encounters are relatively rare, even after years of playing, I've only encountered one scammer.

Bait-and-Switch Scam

During a trade, both players must hover their cursors over the items they receive, ensuring you get what you want. Some scammers wait for you to confirm the trade, cancel it, initiate a new trade, and switch items. These items might look similar but have inferior stats or be entirely different. While there are legitimate reasons to cancel and restart a trade, be sure to double-check that you're getting what you intended.


Understanding how trading works in Path of Exile is essential for a smooth gaming experience. Whether you're buying or selling items, using the right currency, and being vigilant against common scams will help you navigate the trade landscape effectively.

Of course, if you have nothing to trade and want to own some Currency Items, then you can try to Buy POE Orbs from a reliable supplier such as RPGStash, which is a reliable supplier with a strong supply team and High-quality customer service can always help players replenish Currency Items in a timely manner, allowing players to become stronger in the game.


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