Realm Of The Mad God: The Flying Saucers Tips And Tricks

 Realm of the Mad God is a multiplayer online game that has attracted a large number of players since its release. In the game, players will encounter different adventures. One of the most difficult enemies is "flying saucers", which are hovering in the sky , which fire lasers at the player. In order to successfully defeat these powerful enemies, players must enhance their equipment and improve their game skills. In this guide, RPGStash will explore with you tips and tricks for battling flying saucers.

About the Flying Saucers

The flying saucer is one of the very tricky enemies, characterized by high damage output and fast movement speed, making it difficult to hit and dodge. They also have relatively high health, which means the player needs to drain their health over time to defeat them. Not only that, but the saucer is often accompanied by other enemies, which can distract the player and make it harder for them to focus on the saucer mission.

Although the flying saucer is very powerful, if we can find its weak point and exploit it, it can effectively defeat the enemy. Saucers do have some weaknesses that players can exploit, and they are susceptible to status effects such as slowing or being stunned. If the player can slow or stun the saucer, it will be easier for them to hit the saucer with their attacks and avoid laser fire. Additionally, players should focus their attacks on the saucer's weak spots, which are usually located underneath them.

Against flying saucers skills

To increase your chances of success against flying saucers, it's important to choose the right character class, power-ups, and the right strategy. While all classes are effective against UFOs, some classes are better suited than others. For example, classes with high mobility, such as rogues or ninjas, are better able to dodge flying saucers and avoid incoming fire.

Another important aspect of gearing up for battle is choosing the right RotMG items. RotMG items are powerful equipment that can be obtained by defeating enemies or trading with other players. Some of the most useful Realm of the Mad God Items For Sale for battling the Flying Saucers include:

Tier 6 and 7 weapons: These weapons have high damage output and are essential for taking down the Flying Saucers' health quickly.

Tier 4 and 5 abilities: Abilities such as stuns or slows can be incredibly useful for disabling the Flying Saucers and making them easier to hit.

Tier 4 and 5 armor: Armor with high defense and health bonuses can help players withstand the Flying Saucers' attacks and stay alive longer.

Choosing the right character class and RotMG items, players should also consider their overall strategy for battling the Flying Saucers. One effective strategy is to focus on taking out the weaker enemies first, such as the mini saucers that often accompany the Flying Saucers. By eliminating these smaller enemies, players can reduce the overall number of threats on the battlefield and focus their attention on the main target.

Players can also use terrain to your advantage. The saucer's laser attack has a relatively narrow range, using obstacles such as walls or pillars to block incoming fire. By hiding behind these obstacles and peeking at the attacking saucer when the opportunity arises, players can minimize the risk of injury and increase their chances of success.

Coordinating with Other Players

In Realm of the Mad God, players can team up with other players to tackle difficult challenges and defeat tough enemies. When it comes to battling the Flying Saucers, coordinating with other players can be a huge advantage. By working together, players can cover each other's weaknesses and improve their overall chances of success.

One effective way to coordinate with other players is to communicate via the in-game chat or voice chat. By discussing strategies and sharing information about the Flying Saucers' movements and attacks, players can stay one step ahead of their foes and work together to take them down.

Another way to coordinate with other players is to use class-specific abilities to complement each other's strengths. For example, a Paladin can use their healing ability to keep their teammates alive, while a Warrior can use their damage boost ability to increase the overall damage output of the group.

Staying Alert and Aware

Finally, when battling the Flying Saucers, it's important to stay alert and aware at all times. These enemies are fast and unpredictable, which means that players need to be on their toes in order to avoid their attacks and stay alive.

One way to stay alert is to pay attention to the Flying Saucers' movements and attack patterns. By watching how they move and when they attack, players can anticipate their movements and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Another way to stay aware is to keep an eye on the mini-map in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The mini-map shows the locations of all enemies, including the Flying Saucers, which can help players stay aware of their surroundings and avoid getting caught off guard.


Battling the Flying Saucers in Realm of the Mad God can be a daunting challenge, but with the right strategy, equipment, and coordination with other players, it's possible to come out victorious. By understanding the Flying Saucers' strengths and weaknesses, gearing up with the right RotMG items, and staying alert and aware during the battle, players can buy Cheap Realm of the Mad God Items to improve their chances of success and become true champions of the realm.


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